Episode 79: African Dot American with Guests Bonkiyo and Naana
Growing up black in America means something different to everyone you ask, but it binds us in a way that can’t be broken. Tonight we talk about what it means to be black and how you manage in a world that insists on boxing you in. The boys are recovering from too much sugar over the holiday and the #momsohard tip reminds you to shine bright.
African dot American is a podcast that takes a closer look at a subset of the African diaspora: the children of African immigrants, growing up in America.
It features Bonkiyo and Naana, who both hail from West Africa by way of the larger Washington DC Metropolitan area. They met as undergraduates at college. This podcast is a way to share the many conversations they’ve had about growing up as Black in America while maintaining strong, direct roots to the African continent. Learn more and check out there show at http://africandotamerican.com .
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